Looking for a new extreme cold weather glove for photography?
Heat 3 smart gloves look like the answer. I ordered some after master photographer Chas Glatzer told me about them. The gloves were developed for the special forces of Austria and Germany and have lots of thoughtful design that makes sense when you have to operate the shutter, wheels, toggle, back focus button and more on a camera in the extreme cold.
The thumb has a simple cover that you can peel back the outer shell at the tip and without removing the mitten, I can easily operate everything on the camera I need to with the built in liner glove . Would have been nice when shooting the Northern lights in Manitoba in -30F last month.
The tip of the index finger can also be uncovered from the mitten by peeling back the outer shell and exposing only the tip of the liner glove-Which obviously is great for working the shutter button. The built in liner glove is designed to maximize tactile feel which was a problem for me with the liners I used in Manitoba-and I can actually work my cell phone and ipad touch screens with the silver fabric. Lots of other smart features as well including a pocket for the thermal pad when necessary…loops between the fingers to make it easy to remove the entire glove when needed, wrist loops and so much more.
Also the insulation is Permaloft ONE which is the highest rated synthetic insulation made-as such the gloves are actually not that bulky.
The gloves are military grade and are not inexpensive but in my opinion well worth the extra cost if they deliver as promised.
For more information info@shootthelight.com and/or http://shootthelight.com/Heat-3-Smart-Gloves/1/